Tapping into Magic

I’m sure you’ve had your share of getting stuck in traffic, but have you ever experienced driving somewhere and catching every green light, arriving at your destination in record time? I love it when that happens!

Sometimes it seems that the stars align, luck is with us and we find ourselves ‘in the flow’ with everything working out for us. Is there a way to get more of that experience? Maybe so!

There’s a Law of Attraction ‘trick’ I really like. It’s called Segment Intending and comes from the Abraham Hicks material. The basic idea is pretty simple: Whenever you’re about to do something, spend a few moments thinking about how you’d like it to go.

For example, if you’re driving to the store, you might set an intention to see something beautiful on the way, to have a nice encounter or maybe run into somebody there you haven’t seen for a while.

If you’re about to ask a favor of someone, you might set an intention that it goes well without awkwardness, so whether the answer is yes or no, the conversation ends with a good feeling.

Simple, right? But does it actually work?

The first time I used this trick, I’d just had a call from my sister, who lives in another state. She was worried about her youngest daughter down in San Francisco who’d been very ill and wasn’t answering her phone. She asked if I’d be willing to drive down there to make sure she was okay or take her to the hospital if need be?

A little context: This was 8pm on a very dark winter night, during a massive rain storm. And my niece had moved to a part of the city with convoluted streets and terrible parking, difficult to navigate even on a sunny day. It might take hours to find her place and get to her, and what if she didn’t answer her door? What was that bit about taking her to the hospital?! I had to work the next morning!

I wanted to say “Are you kidding me? No!” but my poor sister seemed really freaked out. Before I had to say anything though, she told me ‘Hold on, I’m going to try calling her one more time. I’ll call you right back.”

That was when my wife remembered Segment Intending! We both put massive energy into conjuring up a better outcome: my sister would call back and say “It’s okay, her boyfriend just showed up at her place. She just fell asleep and that’s why she didn’t answer the phone. She’s actually feeling much better. Thanks anyway.”

And that’s exactly what happened! It worked! Crisis averted!

But how did it work? The answer to that question is a bit complicated, involving the famous Double Slit Experiment and the idea of Superposition from quantum physics. You can check out my book Hacking Reality for a deep dive, but basically it has to do with turning off our subconscious ‘autopilot’ and becoming more intentional with our experience of life. That’s where EFT tapping comes into the picture.

Trying to imagine an unusually good outcome probably runs counter to our powerful subconscious mind. The subconscious includes a vast memory bank of every bad thing that ever happened to us. Even things we witnessed happening to other people. Even things we just heard about!

The point of storing all of those negative experiences is to help us avoid those things in the future. It’s all about survival for the subconscious. Unfortunately for us, subconsciously projecting that negative memory bank onto the future tends to create negative expectations. In other words, this is the opposite of Segment Intending!

Our awareness of these negative expectations usually comes in the form of unpleasant emotions like anxiety, dread or fear. Lucky for us we can neutralize them with EFT tapping. Here’s a generic example:

Tapping on the karate chop point:
“Even though I’m expecting the worst from this experience, and I’m feeling pretty nervous about it, I deeply love and completely accept myself”

Tapping through the points:
All of this dread
I’m not expecting this to go well
It hasn’t gone well in the past
So why would it go well this time?
Oh yes, because I’m a different person!
I’m much better prepared
It might actually go really well!
This anxious feeling
This negative expectation
The bad thing already happened
This is not the same situation at all
I give myself permission to feel excited
I choose to feel optimistic about this

You don’t necessarily need tapping for Segment Intending to work, but anytime the emotional stakes are high, even just a few minutes of EFT can help shift our reality in ways that might seem magical.

Why not give it a try today? It might be a wonderful habit to acquire!

Copyright 2023 Rob Nelson

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