Workshop Feedback for Rob

Hi there!

If you've taken one or more of my workshops I would LOVE a testimonial.  To be honest, asking for this is way outside of my comfort zone, but I'm going for it (and trying to set a good example!)  

And of course, if there's anything you didn't like about a training, I really want to know. I'm always and forever seeking to improve, so thank you!

The form I have automatically adds your gravitar photo if you have that set up - but it's totally optional. Just unclick it if you don't want me to use that.  

Including a link to your own website might be a good idea - it boosts your site's SEO and who knows?  It might even bring you a client!  If you don't have gravitar set up, but want me to include your photo, just email me one.

The form also asks for your email, but that won't be included in any testimonial.  And of course it's totally fine to just leave your first name or initials if you'd like to be anonymous.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me this way!

What did you like most about training with Rob?
Were there any surprises?
Would you recommend the training to others, and if so who and why?
Was there anything you didn’t like? Any suggestions for improvement?